Puzzle Me!

  • C#, OOP, Reactive, DI, CI
  • Unity, UniRx, UniTask, Zenject, DoozyUI, ODIN, DOTween
  • Team Leading
  • Tasks Creation
  • Project Architecture
  • URP / ShaderGraph
  • Compute Shader
  • Plugin development
  • UI / UX
  • Math
  • Analytics (custom)
  • CI (Fastlane, Bitrise)
  • Publishing (App Store, Google Play)

App Store, Google Play. Leaded the development process of the mobile game for iOS & Android platforms from scratch to production. Constructed efficient communication between management and development departments. Convert ideas into tech tasks, break them into subtasks, and spread them to the team and me.

Created puzzle builder Unity Editor tool, that gets raw SVG mask as a multilayered mask of multiple jigsaws related to a single puzzle level. Then it was baked into an albedo textures array. The next step is to generate a normal map of each jigsaw using a compute shader I developed. Created a custom shader to render fake light that worked with generated normal maps to simulate light on a completely flat jigsaw in the game based on the gyroscope’s gravity as a light vector.

Developed custom analytics app SDK solution, it is also used in multiple games. The analytics SDK saves events locally and sends them in bunches when the internet connection allows it to do that.


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